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Photo: Justin sitting in his office prepping to speak at panels during Aethercon VII 2018. |
Published in 2018: 475+ Maps (250+ sans BBM), 990+ VTT Elements (360+ sans BBM), 76 Advertisement Designs, 36 Adventures (2 Hardcover Books), 12 Product Logo Designs, 6 Kickstarter Designs (raising more than $285,000.00 USD), 7 Web Applications, 3 Decks of Cards, and 2 Website Designs.
Misc in 2018: 14 Topical Blog Posts, 40 General Blog Posts, 6 Streaming Podcast Appearances, 3 Convention Panels, 43 scheduled meetings, and (8) 5-Star Reviews from EZG including one nomination for product of the year.
My 2018 In Detail –
- Big Book of Maps Volume 1 (230+ Maps) Published (Became Best Silver Seller at DTRPG)
- Published the complete Fantasy Icon Series (620+ Map Icons)
- Big Book of Maps Volume 2 Kickstarter success – Out-funded Volume 1
- Published the first quarter of the Starship Builder Kit series (100+ Starship Segments)
- Mini-Dungeon Tome (130+ Maps & 30+ Adventures I wrote) was Published
- Published 5 Volumes in the Alien Planetscapes series (45+ Maps)
- Published 5 Volumes in the Adventure Starscapes series (54+ Maps)
- Published 5 Volumes of the Planet Portfolio series (60+ VTT Elements)
- Holiday-Themed Mini-Dungeon series published (6 Adventures + 6 Maps)
- Released about a quarter of the Science Fiction Maps for the BBM2 Project (35+ Maps)
- Released first half of Science Fiction Map Icons for the BBM2 (200+ VTT Elements)
- Cartography published in the Carcosa adventure (5 maps)
- Published the first 5 VTT Map Sets for Dungeon Crate (5 maps)
- Two PFRPG Spell Decks I designed were published and a third deck for Heir & Back Again
- Developed 7 Web Applications, including: Mini-Dungeon Adventure Assistant, BBM2 Digital Distribution Tool, Backer Management Apps for MDT, Occult Secrets and Adventure Omnibus, and 2 new application interfaces for Adventureaweek.com
- Designed 6 Kickstarters (raising more than $285,000.00), including: The Big Book of Maps Volume 2 (funded $23K+), Occult Secrets of the Underworld (funded $11K+), Tales of the Old Margreve (funded $105K+) “The Dreams in Gary’s Basement” Gary Gygax documentary (funded $120K+), Adventure Omnibus (funded $25K+), and another Kickstarter project that doesn’t launch until January.
- 12 New Product Logo Designs, including game series, company logos, and even some gaming-themed booze!
- I was consultant on the Gary Gygax documentary by Dorks of Yore, and supported the technical aspects of the fundraising project.
- 76 Advertisement Designs including Print, Web, and Social Media for nearly two dozen add campaigns including AAW Games, Kobold Press, PTA, and others.
- AetherCon VII contention website and applications.
- And, finally, a vast plethora of “off the record” technical support to dozens of my friends and peers in the gaming industry including maintenance of the Adventureaweek.com website.
Reflecting back on this year’s productivity, I’m pretty happy with what all was accomplished. I had hoped to do a bit more, but that will become my 2019 goal. Thanks to all my publishers and game companies who hire me for freelance work. And to the fans who make it all possible! It’s because of you that I get to live the dream.
I'm sure there are a few things I overlooked adding, but that was the gist of my 2018 creative output. Here's to a great 2019!