Help me make more free map sets. Support my cartography on Patreon! 8-BIT DUNGEON: Retro-Pixel Fantasy FPRPG Card Game #FreeMapFriday Series on Twitter. New Maps Every Friday! Big Book of Maps for Tabletop Roleplaying Games Hardcover Book Fantasy Virtual Tabletop VTT Maps Cartogprahy Icon Symbol Sets - Over 1000 Assets for Map Making The Perils Of... Geomorphic Map Sets & World Blank Templates Sci-Fi Science Fiction Virtual Tabletop VTT Maps Starship Deckbuilder Kits - Build Your Own Starship Deckplans! Starship Deckplan Maps for Virtual Tabletop VTT Mega Station X - Ultra Massive Mega Maps Planet Portfolios: Space Virtual Tabletop VTT Assets Cosmic Starscapes & Alien Worldscapes Large-Scale Environmental Maps for Virtual Tabletop VTT All Paths to Adventure Titles by Justin Andrew Mason on Tavern Sign Crafter & Generator

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Signature Spellcrafting: The Art of Presentation

Today I published my second RPG product through this blog. Signature Spellcrafting: The Art of Presentation is a small 12-page system-agnostic role-playing game supplement that includes a signature spell worksheet. It is available as a free PDF download via DriveThruRPG.

If you are the player of a spell-casting character seeking to personalize your magic, a game master pondering new and wondrous magical effects for powerful artifacts, or a game creator just looking for an intriguing method of designing creative spell descriptions, this book is intended for you.

Herein you will find a system-agnostic method for creating vibrant and descriptive spell effects. Without affecting the existing mechanics of whatever role-playing game platform your game utilizes, signature spellcasting provides a means of creating unique themes and styles for the visual representation of magic revealed.

You can get this product for Free (pay what you want) exclusively at DriveThruRPG.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tales from the Tabletop Full Color Comic Book & T-Shirt Design

Tales from the Tabletop: Year One (60-page comic book) published by AAW Games / is now available as a Free PDF or for purchase in Full-Color Print. Print copies will also be available at Gen Con 2016! Also, check out the all new Tales from the Tabletop shirt design from OffWorld Designs.

Tales from the Tabletop is a tabletop gaming comic drawn and colored by Jacob Blackmon and published by via the Dungeons & Dragons Memes Facebook page.

Each week we post a new comic with one or more blank caption/dialog balloons, and this comic is shared via the Dungeons and Dragons Memes Facebook Page where readers are encouraged to post their own witty dialog suggestions. The AAW Games team selects the funniest dialog, the winner’s caption is used, and the final comic is re-posted for the world to share.

This first issue of the comic book includes all of those captioned comics -- plus the runner's up for each week the comic ran in the past year.

Ad that I designed for AAW Games to help promote the comic book and
limited edition t-shirt on social media.

In addition to designing the series logo, and contributing to submitting content ideas and suggestions for the weekly comic, I also put the core design and layout of this book together including the cover layout and each individual page design, and all the individual advertisement designs included within.

You can pick up this book for free (in PDF) or purchase a print copy at DriveThruRPG. You can purchase the T-Shirt at OffWorld Designs.

Here are a few photos of the print proofs of the comic book we ordered prior to placing the massive Gen Con booth supply order:

Monday, July 11, 2016

Ads for Tales from the Tabletop

This past week I created a few new ads for AAW Games /'s Tales from the Tabletop comic book which I couldn't post about until the book was released. The comic book (you can read more about it in this post) is now available as a free (pay what you want) PDF download as well as a full-color print.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Tavern Sign Crafter Update (Version 2.2)

Tonight I made several updates to my Tavern Sign Crafter web application with the official update to Version 2.2. These updates include the following new features:

Sign Emblem Library Increased
Over 50 all new emblems were added to the emblem library. These emblems have been integrated into both the Tavern Sign Generator as well as the custom Tavern Sign Crafter. These new emblems include: axes, coinpouch, bat, tome, bull, castle, tree, compass, diver, undead dragon, dragon bust, duck, fish, hand/palm, rat, gear, pipe weed, fiddle, harp, hawk, hookah, kangaroo, meat haunch, anvil, lotus, longship, muscles, pig, firearm, medicine, potion, cock, bomb, spider, sun, raven, crow, sabres, scales, crawling lady, jester, mounted knight, toad, tower, squirrel, centaur, rabbit, scorpion, and tortoise.

Flexible Emblem Positioning in the Crafter
Instead the previous three emblem placement options of "top, middle, and bottom", Version 2.2 introduces greater flexibility by offering a total of 13 emblem positioning options.

Flexible Text Positioning in the Crafter
Instead the previous five text placement options of "top, top middle, middle, bottom middle, and bottom", Version 2.2 introduces greater flexibility by offering a total of 20 text positioning options.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

2016 ENnie & Indie Groundbreaker Awards Nominations

I'm very excited that several of the tabletop role-playing game products that I worked on over the past year have been nominated for eight ENnie Awards and two Indie Groundbreaker Awards. These were all fantastic products with amazing teams working on them. Some of these projects I contributed directly to content, others I only helped in making them become a reality -- in any case, I'm very proud of the work done for each.

Snow White by AAW Games /

My Contributions: graphic design, layout, stationary, cover design, game design, minor content contributions, advertising, marketing, and Kickstarter campaign design.
Aventyr Bestiary by AAW Games /

My Contributions: writing, game design, graphic design, layout, stationary, cover design, advertising, marketing, and Kickstarter campaign design. Website

My Contributions: graphic design, software development, website design, IT management, ad design, marketing, and customer support. 

Southlands Campaign Setting by Kobold Press

My Contributions: graphic design, ad design, marketing, and Kickstarter campaign design. 

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