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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tales from the Tabletop Full Color Comic Book & T-Shirt Design

Tales from the Tabletop: Year One (60-page comic book) published by AAW Games / is now available as a Free PDF or for purchase in Full-Color Print. Print copies will also be available at Gen Con 2016! Also, check out the all new Tales from the Tabletop shirt design from OffWorld Designs.

Tales from the Tabletop is a tabletop gaming comic drawn and colored by Jacob Blackmon and published by via the Dungeons & Dragons Memes Facebook page.

Each week we post a new comic with one or more blank caption/dialog balloons, and this comic is shared via the Dungeons and Dragons Memes Facebook Page where readers are encouraged to post their own witty dialog suggestions. The AAW Games team selects the funniest dialog, the winner’s caption is used, and the final comic is re-posted for the world to share.

This first issue of the comic book includes all of those captioned comics -- plus the runner's up for each week the comic ran in the past year.

Ad that I designed for AAW Games to help promote the comic book and
limited edition t-shirt on social media.

In addition to designing the series logo, and contributing to submitting content ideas and suggestions for the weekly comic, I also put the core design and layout of this book together including the cover layout and each individual page design, and all the individual advertisement designs included within.

You can pick up this book for free (in PDF) or purchase a print copy at DriveThruRPG. You can purchase the T-Shirt at OffWorld Designs.

Here are a few photos of the print proofs of the comic book we ordered prior to placing the massive Gen Con booth supply order:

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